About Me

Establishing wonderful things while exploring the world with passion.
I have a vision to carry out the purpose that God has given us, which is to bring His kingdom to all the world’s nations. While exploring the world, I continue pursuing my passions in science, the arts, and commerce to the best of my ability.
Honors & Awards
- I was awarded a post-metric scholarship from the Government of Andhra Pradesh for my master’s degree.
- I received a fully funded Mexican Government Scholarship, National Council of Science and Technology; (abbreviated as CONACYT) for my doctoral research.
Offered Services
Serving & Sharing, Research & Development, Writing & Publishing, Teaching & Training.
Educational Qualifications
I receive official confirmation in the form of a certificate or degree upon successful completion of my educational programs.
Doctorate in Biology (PhD)
Department of Biology, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Molecular Genetics, Department of Human Genetics, Andhra University, India.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
(Chemistry, Bio-chemistry and Microbiology)
ABN & PRR College of Science, Kovvur (Affiliated to Andhra University), India

Higher Secondary School (Intermediate-BiPC)
(Biology, Physics and Chemistry). Govt Junior College (Boys), Kovvur, A.P. India.

Secondary School (SSC)
SPVKR High School, Dommeru, Kovvur Mandal, A.P. India.
Stay In Touch
For the latest updates on online and offline workshops; training sessions, and events: